Local Store
No.178, Jhongshan 1st Rd., East District, Xinzhu City, Taiwan

集謙易室內裝修有限公司 - Information

  • Busienss class: 家具家飾
  • Cellphone:
  • Address:
    No.178, Jhongshan 1st Rd., East District, Xinzhu City, Taiwan
  • Email:
  • Last Modify: 2024/07/08
  • Score (0-10): 5.1
Quick Intro我們專注於創新、客製化的設計,致力於打造令人驚艷的室內空間,不論是住宅還是商業項目。我們提供空間規劃、材料選擇、家具配置和專業施工等全方位服務,確保每個項目都符合高品質標準。我們重視與客戶的合作,確保設計反映您的獨特品味和需求。與集謙易室內設計公司合作,讓我們一同實現您夢想中的理想空間。我們的目標是超越期望,為您提供完美的室內設計體驗。
Score chart

  • Wireless internet

  • Air conditioning

  • Interior seats

  • Meeting space

集謙易室內裝修有限公司 - Main Services

    • Email :
    • Address :
      No.178, Jhongshan 1st Rd., East District, Xinzhu City, Taiwan
    • Cellphone :
    • VAT Number : 93595322
    • Facebook Page :
    • Yampiz Local Store
      This service architecture and content service provider.
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    • Bug Report
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    • Comodo Secure
      The sensitive data transmission adopts by SSL-2048 authenticated encryption.
    • Copyright
      © 2009 YamPiz Digital Inc. & Jaby Group. All rights reserved.
    • Revised Version
      23 Jul 2024 (GMT+8)